Placid [plas-id](adjective)
1. Pleasantly calm or peaceful; unruffled; tranquil; serenely quiet or undisturbed:
Translated- still and undisturbed, also smooth and peaceful
Other forms- placidity, placidness, noun, placidly, adverb, unplacid, adjective, unplacidly, adverb, unplacidness, noun
Examples sentences:
1. The water was very placid, there wasn't a ripple in sight.
2. The best time to go fishing is when the water is placid, there is nothing to scare or distract the fish.
It is best used when talking about river, lakes, ponds or any body of water that is calm. It is a difficult word to use every day unless you are talking about water 24/7.
Placid is a lot like the peaceful. Peaceful is more indirect as in you can describe many things as peaceful but when it comes to placid there are only a handful of things you can call placid such as water. Peaceful and placid can both mean pleasantly calm, unruffled, tranquil serenely, quiet, and undisturbed.
Placid is almost the exact opposite of the word rough. Rough means not smooth, rigid, and unstable. Rough could represent the rough waters of the ocean and placid represents the calm smooth waters of a lake.
My rating: I give this word 4 out of five stars. What holds it back from being the perfect word is the limited uses to explain something. But what makes i t an almost perfect word is the vast way to describe the word itself and is easy to understand. It would be a great word for someone that did reports on waters for cruises and things related to that particular topic.